Ice Rink
General Information
Outdoor rink will open once temperatures are stable enough to produce ice. This is generally during November or start of December.
Rink will close for the season when temperatures fluctuate and remain above -4. This is generally during March.
Rink will close when temperatures are below -30C (excluding windchill) and above -4C.

Rules & Courtesies
Slap shots are prohibited. Any damages that occur from deliberate slap shots will be recorded and repair costs may be sent to the resident for reimbursement.
No private events are allowed (eg. team practices, birthday parties, team events).
Rink schedule will be enforced at all times.
Be respectful and considerate to others. The Leisure Centre staff reserve the right to ask for activities on the rink to cease immediately and/or ask users to leave the property if individuals are not adhering to the rules.
Residents that do not adhere to the rules in place will be removed from the premises and fob keys suspended. Review of suspension will be conducted by the Board and the resident will receive notification.

Skate aids are available on site
“Big Red”, the centre ice divider, will be installed on ice during appropriate rink scheduling times.
The outdoor patio heaters are adjacent to the rink with adirondack chairs for residents' and guests' comfort.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns related to the ice rink, please contact the office by calling (780)432-4444, or by emailing our facilities manager at wra.hoa.coordinator@gmail.com